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Brink x Brink

Influx magazine is an online (formerly print) marketing vehicle for UK insurance company Adrian Flux (that also incorporates Bikesure), sound horrendous, right? It isn't. They produce a different class of articles to most insurance company websites, looking at car and bike culture, sometimes with a serving of side-eye, rather than just producing data-driven articles, tired group tests and clickbait lists. I'm also a fan of Flux/Bikesure because they sponsor King's Lynn speedway/banger track and were big supporters of the Sideburn-era Dirt Quakes.

Influx releases features and short films in themed clumps, the latest is vaguely mental health-related and caught up with two or our friends, Adam Brinkworth, and his daughter, Marnie. Both have featured in Sideburn.

Adam's eclectic race kit was featured in Sideburn 43

His BSA A65 framer and El Camino were in Sideburn 33

The Noise Cycles Hooligan XG750 he bought is in SB29

Marnie's road legal grasstracker is in Sideburn 27

This is the film that discusses their relationship with each other and how it overlaps with cars and motorbikes.

In addition to the film about the Brinks there is a Q&A interview with Adam that includes stuff like...

What is it about cars and motorbikes that moves you?

A big part of it is about the movement and the fluidity. I’m an old transition skater and riding motorbikes, and to a lesser extent driving cars, you get this feeling of centrifugal force. When you ride a motorbike, you get that fluid movement in a series of bends.

It is the same as pumping a pipe and it’s the same when you are sliding or drifting. It’s like power sliding a skateboard. When I go flat track racing and slide the back of the bike round, it feels like and reminds me of that exact same sort of body communication.

You as a human are integrated with something, everything is fluid and there’s power and energy that you’re interacting with. There’s something magic about that.

Visit Influx to read the rest of it.

1 Comment

Peter Stansfield
Peter Stansfield
Mar 26, 2021

Lovely film about lovely people. I may even change my insurers !

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