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Glorious SB Morocco Film

Back in March of this year, Nadene 'Dienks' Freysen rode through the deserts and mountains of Morocco on Sideburn's first women-only tour of north Africa. Launching this type of tour felt a bit of a risk. We had to sell out all ten places for it to work and wondered if we could reach enough women who had the skills, drive, finances and time to do it. The answer was an emphatic yes and the tour, that we co-promoted with our long-time partners and Morocco-based bike tour experts Moto Aventures, sold out, attracting riders from all over the world.

Dienks flew in from her home in South Africa, filmed the experience on a DJI OsmoAction camera and captured the life-changing essence of the trip in this two-minute clip.

Thanks to the success and positive feedback from the first trip, we are running another in Spring 2020. For more information click Sideburn Women-Only Morocco adventures.

We also co-promote 'open trips', for anyone to join. The next Morocco trip sold out in one week, but are currently also organising a trip to Nepal.

Film editor: Barry Smit

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