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1999 AMA Supertrackers

Back in 1999 the AMA tried to lure manufacturers into what was ostensibly a one-make pro series, by launching a secondary class that the dominant XR750 couldn't compete in (any of this sound familiar?). The class they came up with was SuperTrackers, and for Japanese and European big sportsbike twins in custom frames, engines that were very popular back then, competing for sales, and race wins, with Ducati's V-twins in what was still a sportsbike boomtime.

I was searching for something else when I found these Cycle World Archive photos from the time.

Cycle World wrote that the engine rules were, 'Twin-cylinder powerplants measuring 900-1000cc (overhead cam, liquid-cooled, whatever) or 1200cc provided they are two-valve, pushrod and air-cooled (the H-D Sportster 1200 clause).' Adding, 'SuperTracker lap times were close to GNC bikes at most tracks, and even a little faster at some of the miles.'

AMA Technical Manager Rob King was quoted as saying, 'This was never intended as a class to get rid of the XR-750,” King assured. “This was an idea to bring other brands into dirt-track racing so that there would be more appeal for mass audiences.' Hmmm, how did that go for you? IT didn't help that Suzuki were the only manufacturer to put up contingency, so the series quickly developed into a Suzuki TL1000 one-make series (like series winner Joe Kopp's at the top of this post).

JR Schnabel's C&J Suzuki TL1000.

Total Performance Racing big-bore Yamaha TDM850. This bike was raced by current AFT commentator (and podcaster) Scottie Deubler!

The engine was converted to run as a 'twingle', both cylinders firing together. Fuel si housed under the seat. Frame is by Cheney.

Built by Rick Canode, this is a C&J Honda Superhawk (what the Europeans called the VTR1000).

Canode also built this Ducati 916 SuperTracker, taking one of the most beautiful streetbikes ever built and... Well, you know.

Click to read the whole Cycle World Supertracker story.


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