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Around this time of year, for the last few years, I've written a fairly self-congratulatory post listing what Sideburn has done in the past year. This December I couldn't muster the same enthusiasm for a similar post, but not through a lack of gusto for Sideburn's many endeavours. I'm looking forward to 2019, with some firm and fresh ideas already, so I'll be brief. Firstly, keeping an independent magazine going is enough of an achievement. Thanks to all who buy it, or some of our other merch, and a huge thanks to the loyal advertisers.

As usual, we made four issues. Two have sold out, 32 and 33. If you haven't got them already, you can buy Sideburn 34 and 35 now. That would be super.

We didn't organise as many events as we have in previous years and didn't do the trips to Morocco or India which we've enjoyed, but we're doing a Women's only trip to Morocco in March 2019.

I raced a lot, though. All the DTRA rounds, except the first (on a family holiday), plus El Rollo at Wheels and Waves; The One Pro at Salem, Oregon; Hell's Race at Lelystad; Okie Dokie Race at Kawagoe, Japan. And at Mablethorpe too. I've had more podiums than any season before, and my first proper race injury, a concussion at the final DTRA round.

We supported Jeffrey Carver, Grant Martin and Travis Newbold and sponsored the DTRA Vintage class. Plus we paid a fair number of photographers and artists for their work.

There's lots more, but I said I'd keep it brief. I'm back at work tomorrow. It'll be the start of the 13th calendar year that I've worked on Sideburn, having started working on Sideburn 1 in 2007. Keep on keeping on...

2019 graphic by Damon York

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