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Mountain. Bikes.

My memory is shocking, people remind me of conversations we've had, profound, deep, sometimes helpful conversations and I stare blankly back at them. In motorcycling terms, I have experienced incredible adventures all over the world, as a paying punter, journalist and amateur racer, but, I reckon, that I'm so focussed on future deadlines that the memories get drowned out by an almost constant static hum of mild stress of delivering the next story/magazine/event... But, I think about the Sideburn x Helmet Stories Himalayan adventure I went on in 2015 all the time.

Everything about the 10-day trip was out of my usual parameters of operation. The road could kill the unwary in a blink, but was so rewarding and beautiful. I don't camp much any more, but I loved it. The villages, the locals, the night time dance sessions...

Anthony 'Co-Built' Brown and Paul Leeson were on the second Pangi Valley trip that we promoted with Helmet Stories, last autumn. Their words and photos are in our STORIES section. Paul's images concentrate on the quiet moments, right at ground level, the villages that this trip takes regular chai stops in and lets us tourists get into Indian village life, for an hour or two of every day. Go have a look.

If you're signed up for 2017 you're in for a treat. If not, there might be one or two places left. If you're interested in future Sideburn x Helmet Stories trips, drop me an email.

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