Mar 13, 2019Screw you, Kawasaki?Photo @bsmith.4 On Tuesday, just two days before the start of the 2019 season, Bryan Smith's Howerton Motorsports Crosley Kawasaki broke...
Feb 9, 2019Howerton Kawasaki ChassisI was looking for something else when I came across up an old email from AFT team owner/engineering master, Ricky Howerton. Attached was...
Nov 15, 2018AFT Rule Changes - Indian on WarpathOh boy, things are really hotting up in American Flat Track. In addition to the rule changes we picked up on 1 November, more have been...
Oct 8, 2018Smith On Kawasaki for 2019American Flat Track hosted its end of season awards night in New York last night and the big news announcement was that Bryan Smith will...