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Saint Unbreakable

Saint are manufacturers of 'unbreakable' riding kits, that looks like regular denim and has been gaining fans all over the world. They're European rep, Eden Palm (below) introduces himself and the company.

I grew up in South Africa, and motorcycle culture has always been a part of my life. There was always some dude who had a bike, and you would beg for a go. I remember going to a MX race close to my home. I remember the smell of two-stroke and thinking how sweet it smelt. I remember seeing a chap called Rex Staten absolutely going off. I remember thinking, how much I wanted a bike. My folks weren’t well off, so I had to stick to begging the local rich kid for a go.

Eden (before he worked for a company selling riding wear...)

Fast forward to now. I have always followed motorsports. It's kinda bred into you in a place like South Africa. A natural petrolhead following Supercross, MotoGP, outdoor MX and so on. I have worked for Alpinestars, and more recently Red Bull. But, the day I received an email from SA1NT asking to meet, was like all my dreams coming true. Truth be told, I did not know SA1NT when I received that email two years ago, but I remember seeing the logo, and thinking to myself, that if this were even a kitchen accessories brand, that I wanted a part of it. Thankfully it wasn’t.

SA1NT has slowly been gathering momentum, organically (hate the word) for the past six years. The first 18 months were spent researching and developing fabrics, to create the world's first (yes, we were definitely the first), single layer protective denim. Genius, and founder Aidan Clarke, who had built the compression gymwear empire 2XU, had worked out a way to combine cotton and a fabric called Dyneema (it is very strong), to form a single layer pair of jeans. The idea being that, we wanted to bring something fashionable, as well as functional to the motorcycle market. And we did.

When I started my journey with SA1NT I wanted to create a buzz, and make people aware of who we are. It was a lot easier than anticipated - a lot of the moto industry were very aware of SA1NT (thankfully). We have built a very natural, and dedicated following to what we do. We do not overkill on our marketing and we do not overdistribute. We are a premium brand selling a technical DNA. We are here to protect people. I concentrated on very specific stores, and very specific publications. Very early on, we got approached by a really huge moto superstore interested in stocking SA1NT. It is very easy to look at £££ in these cases, but for me it is about staying true to yourself. I politely declined.

After a year-and-a-half, we start to move into our next phase. Interestingly, we are starting to get non-bikers buying into our brand. Obviously, not for a £300 pair of jeans, but more T-shirts, or our WORKS lifestyle products. It is crucial to remain on track with distribution at this time, and continue to stay premium, and continuing to work with only the best stores. Focus for this coming year is to increase our collection. We have some insane new developments, and some more commercial product being added. We will also be collaborating with some wonderful brands who we aspire to. We are also pleased to be working with the crew from Bad and Bold who will be our agents for Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

See the range and find out more at

1 Comment
Sep 27, 2020

They may be unbreakable but I'm torn. #paradox

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