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Enfield Strengthens FT Team

Royal Enfield have announced they are strengthening their AFT Production Twins team with the addition of Lloyd Brothers Motorsport personnel to the team, for 2021.

The Lloyd Brothers have had significant top level GNC flat track success with Aprilias, including lots of fives in the GNC Expert class in the mid-2000s, then more success with the Ducati framer, that Joe Kopp won on and Johnny raced one or two iterations of too. The Lloyd Brothers were often swimming against the tide of powerful anti-anything that isn't American back then. I've been lucky enough to have a few conversations with David Lloyd over the years and he's a thinker, tenacious, and also a former national number racer himself, in the early to mid-90s. This is going to be one formidable team in Production Twins. Great rider, big budget backing from a factory looking to make a splash, bike developing brains under the easy-up.

As yet AFT have not released a full schedule of races, so far only confirming dates for a Sacramento Mile double-header on 7-8 May, and Springfield Mile double-header on 4-5 September, Labor Day weekend.

Read the inside story about the Royal Enfield Twins FT racing debut, and first win, in the current issue, Sideburn 43.


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