Rookies of 79 is a charity set up to help injured pro flat track racers. They have funds running for a number of riders hurt this season, including Oliver Brindley.
Here's the link - Rookies of 79.
Here's what they say...
American Flat Track singles rider Oliver Brindley was seriously injured while racing at the Meadowlands Mile on September 28th. We are asking our flat track family to please make a donation to help him and his family. They are all here from England and will be here for an indefinite period. You can also send a check payable to Rookies of '79 and mail to 3989 Springer Lane, Springfield IL 62711 or send via PayPal to Charlie@rookies79.com (as friend to avoid fees). Please be sure to note that your donation is for Oliver. ​Thank you all for your continued support and please keep this awesome kid and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Photo credits: Northwest Track Shots (Tom Stein)