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Hubert at Hells Race

Two years in a row I have missed the DTRA opening round because the Husqvarna wasn't ready on time. This time I needed a full ignition system and a new gearbox (just that) to defend my third place at Hell Race 2016.

But the week before that race. I was making a road trip for the brilliant website Motorcycle Diaries from Stuttgart to Biarritz. Only curvy roads six days and 2000km. It was awesome and a video is at the bottom of this post.

I got back from Biarritz on Thursday and went straight to a true man cave: HVA Heritage close to Dijon. I have send him my engine a month before and headed straight there with my rolling chassis to try to be ready on time for the race at Lelystad.

That place is just awesome, bikes everywhere, home made parts, engines and frame everywhere you looked. He has everything if you have a air-cooled Husqvarna.

We spent the whole day working on my bike. Now she's ready. Thanks a lot Hervé!

The next day, I make the trip on my own and I love it. I arrive on time for the practice. Only cool people, only cool bikes there. I feel instantly great on the vintage. I like every my bike. Tomorrow I'm gonna ride only this one and leave my YZ into the van.

BBQ, chill, blah, blah, blah till 2am it's time to go to bed . But in the middle of the night I hear 'Bebaiwrooooze , bebaiwroooooze!' It's Motel Coste. He just arrived and he is so excited with his new Indian.

The racing day is a 3 way battle with Ross Jackson (#130) and his awesome Yamaha 360 and David Webb (#140) on a 650 BSA. I won a heat, Ross won two.

Just before the final the Husky start bubbling 'Beuuuuuh, beuuuuhhh'. I started second and finish third like last year. Great day, great event thanks to all Organisers and sponsors.

See you at DTRA round 3, Greenfield!

Hells Race photos: Motorrausch

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