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Dec 22, 2021
An Old Roll
From Dimitri Coste. Some scans of photos he shot on film at the DTRA's Peterborough round in, I think, May 2019. That's his Triumph...

Jan 8, 2021
Sean Kelly's Winning Formula
The interest in the DTRA's Vintage class grows with every year. Four-strokes and two-strokes are mixed on the track, but split into two...

May 18, 2020
The Lonely Rider of an Empty City
Our Hungarian friend, Peter Guld, has allowed us to share this article he wrote showing a different side to Sideburn's French ambassador...

May 23, 2019
DTRA Rnd 2 Sideburn Vintage report
The Peterborough round of the DTRA Championships is an event with a different atmosphere to any other round. Being part of the MCN...
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