Off-topic Sunday!
Dave Taylor, regular Sideburn event DJ, Eastern Bloc vehicle enthusiast and sometime burlesque patron sent me a a video today with the accompanying line, 'Have a bit of that...' The video was of go-go dancers backed by a '60s band. The song was Linda by The Starfires. Such was the skills on view it took me a minute or so to realise the band weren't playing the song that was coming out of the laptop speakers. I looked through the inane comments below, then found a reference to the original movie, The Girl In the Golden Boots, then googled that. This trailer came up, and with it a stench of B-movie ham. The filmmaker sure packed a lot into the two and half minutes. Bikers, fistfights, folks getting pistol-whipped, stripper changing room philosophy, an Inside Llewelyn Davis-style folk singer, beatnik drug dealers, a band playing in the mouth of a King Kong-style monster head that blows dry ice from its nostrils... It ticks all the boxes.
Apparently, one of the band is Donald 'Duck' Dunn, one of Booker T's MGs and Stax session legend.
If you haven't bought Sideburn in a while, you might have missed the fact we have been covering little known biker B-movies in the last few issues, written by the inimitable Dave Bevan.
SB28 Northville Cemetery Massacre
SB26 Werewolves on Wheels
SB25 Psychomania
SB24 Stone