There are few things that put more of a spring in our step than signing up a new stockist. Our latest is Urban Lena, in the super city of Lisbon, Portugal. This is what they say about themselves...
'Lena is about people, it is about motos, it is about people that love motos. Our concept store is based on a common identity shared by urban riders and also in a vintage style. Lena was born on the other side of the ocean, in the urban and industrial streets of Brooklyn, New York, some years ago and it has been gaining shape since then. Now, we’ve finally found a place to show you our products on a street of Santos Design District, in Lisbon, but you can also visit us virtually in our website.
'In our store you’ll find classic motorcycle outfitting and some of the newest technological equipment, offering you comfort and safety while ridding.The brands that we sell are specialists in quality motorcycle gear.'
Urban LENA Motorcycles
Rua dos Mastros N4-A
1200-264 Lisbon
Phone: +351 211900582
Go to the SIDEBURN STOCKIST PAGE to see if there's one near you. If not, and there should be, please recommend stores for us to contact.
If you would like to become a Sideburn stockist, please email us for the very best prices.