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Sep 23, 2022
Learning to Skateboard (at 80)
Sideburn's right-hand man, Dave Skooter Farm has taught his dad, Trevor, how to skateboard. At the age of 80, and made this short film...

Oct 29, 2021
You did what with it?
Some lunatic delinquent has taken one of our Canadian maple artworks, and bolted WHEELS to it! Then ridden it around something called a...

Aug 22, 2021
You Don't Stop Riding Because You Get Old... get old because you stop riding. I remember reading that on a T-shirt, back in the mid-90s, and it's stuck with me ever since. I...

Apr 30, 2020
I'm not a graphic designer, and I really wish I knew my way around Photoshop and Illustrator. Instead, I sketch stuff and ask designers...
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