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Nov 8, 2020
SOLD: Rotax Framer
I bought this Rotax framer three or so years ago. It was sold to me as a Wood Rotax, super-rare in Europe. I have a Wood Rotax and was...

Oct 23, 2020
SOLD: C&J Yamaha SR540
Our friend, the artist Jeremy Berger, is helping his dad sell a couple of flat track bikes. They're located in Bakersfield, CA. This is...

Sep 13, 2020
Voodoo Framer
From time to time people ask if we're short of things to put in the magazine. What? We can't fit everything in, there's so many stories I...

Sep 2, 2020
Brelsford on the 750 Triple
Scott Brelsford shared this photo with us today. He's racing the Erv Kanemoto Champion-framed Kawasaki H2R 750 two-stroke. The bike he's...
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