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Aug 6, 2019
Super Fast Flying Twins
Gar Wood, Ron's son, noticed this... JD Beach's fastest lap of the Buffalo Chip TT main was 32.806 on an Estenson Racin framer Yamaha...

Aug 6, 2019
Buffalo Chip TT Thoughts
This is getting daft. Sunday's race was delayed nearly two hours because of rain, so the first singles practice started at 11pm UK time....

Aug 3, 2019
Who is Gobert Smash?
This here is Dalton Gauthier. Whenever I hear his name I get excited. He talks like I imagine a laidback cowpoke would, legs crossed...

Jul 5, 2019
Lima Half-Mile Thoughts
This is a little bit later than usual for a couple of reasons, but I saw this race live in the flesh, having flown out to the Midwest and...
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