Every so often we stock other independent magazines. Motorcycho zine from Canada is a regular. Shredder mountain bike mag from Scotland is another and there have been others in the past. The latest addition to this exclusive group is the English language, made in German magazine - Vehicle. It's a special edition from the long-running lifestyle magazine Lodown , and made every few years.
Death Spray Custom turned me on to the magazine and is a regular in the magazine's pages. Anyone who likes DSC will love Vehicle/Vehikel/Véhicle. Every page is a surprise in a magazine that subtitles itself 'Musings on (car] popculture'. It's certainly not all cars, there are bikes, boats, rockets. It's a struggle to define it, which is a big plus in my opinion.
We have the new issue, with cover artwork by Tom Sachs, one of my favourite artists, and a couple each of the back issues.
(above) Spencer Murphy photography taken in London from Vehikel (3)
(above) Benedict Radcliffe art from Vehikel (3)
Kaws art on the new pages from Vehikel (3)
Photoshoot from Vehicle (2)
Chris LaBrooy feature from Vehicle (2)
Photo spread from Véhicule (1)
Photo spread from Véhicule (1)