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We have a new mail order specialist based in France who will make it easier for European customers to get the magazine. Sebastien Gerodias (above and below) runs clothing brand, Age of Glory, and also the French dirt track race and practice series, Vintage Racing Spirit. He's definitely on Sideburn's wavelength. We did a quick Q&A with him to introduce him to the family.

SIDEBURN: He Sebastien, first tell us about Vintage Racing Spirit.

SEBASTIEN: I always dreamed in front of vintage footage of US flat track riders, and especially in front of On Any Sunday movie, which is the start of many things for me.

Domice, a friend of mine, and I created Vintage Racing Spirit six years ago. At that time we were looking to ride some flat track in France but it was not easy to find places where we can go. In France, there are only a very few existing tracks and when we started, most of them were for speedway only. Only a few French riders were doing flat track at that time: Frank Chatokhine, Dimitri Coste, Christophe Decombard and Hubert Bastie were among pioneers and were coming to ride with you guys in UK.

After some research, we finally found one speedway track which was not too far from where we live and asked the owner if it would be possible to come and try. We went there for a quick try and it was an exciting moment. We were probably riding at 30km/h with straight bikes but we had the feeling to ride sideways like champs. So much adrenaline even with beginner skills. We decided then to try to organize some trainings to give the opportunity to other riders like us, to try this bike sport.

My friend left the association two years ago but I'm still running it. Aside from these training days, I also organize the VRS challenge with consists on two races: one in Mâcon track and the other in Morizès. We also host the Sunday Cup for three years now [for Sunday Motors mini flat trackers], in collaboration with YCF France and Sunday Motors. These races are a great moment of competition but mostly of friendship, which is to me, the most important. It’s great to see year after year the level of riders evolving and the bikes, more and more elaborate and beautiful.

Tell us about Age of Glory. Why you started it, and the idea behind the company.

I was fascinated by the universe of the vintage and custom motorcycle for several years, I initially came from the '80s skateboard culture, then I worked for a long time in fashion, and participated in the brand-building of motorcycle clothes, but I was never able to express myself totally, often being restrained by certain unbreakable codes that I didn't agree with.

When I tried to buy to myself motorcycle clothes, I found it difficult to find things I'd wear. What was being offered did not really make me dream. So I was inspired by the vintage universe of the 70s, (As said above, On Any Sunday is the starting point of a lot of things and a true inspiration), the freedom and cool atmosphere that surrounds this era, I tried to bring my own touch to vintage classics. I wanted to be able to find my influences in what I wear, whether I am on my bike or on foot.

What bikes do you own ?

I have a few. My daily Is a Triumph Bonneville which I customized a little bit to give here a more scrambler look. I really want to make a desert sled out of it, but need to keep it street legal as it’s my only 'legal' bike. My tracker is a vintage Trackmaster T140 from 1974. I bought it in US from an old rider who retired. It was great to discuss with his guy telling me some cool stories about him and his bike. He also sent me some pictures of him riding it in the late 70s/early 80s. Pretty cool. I also have a 450 Husky from 72. When I bought it, it was more like a spare parts bike than a real bike. My friend Alex did a great job to restore it. And last but not least, a Trial Triumph Tiger cub. All bikes are running and I’m using them for my photoshoots. Do you race, or are you too busy organising now?

I still race but can’t ride and train as much as I used to ride a few years ago unfortunately, because I'm more and more busy. So I see everyone improving and I have the feeling to be getting worse and worse! It's a bit stressful to organize and ride at the same events. I'm not in the best mood to perform. Anyway I’m no more competitive. But the main idea is to have pleasure on my bike, and it’s still the case.

Where does Sideburn fit into your world?

Sideburn is a truly dedicated magazine to flat track and also vintage tracker culture. That’s what I always love about this magazine. You and the guys around the magazine in UK are doing a great job to create great and authentic contents, with complete dedication. I try to do the same with Vintage Racing Spirit and Age of Glory. Being dedicated, putting all my experience and energy in, to make it something as authentic as possible. It seems that we are living for and sharing the same passion and values. What is the hope or plan for selling Sideburn in Europe?

I hope to first help you guys to continue to spread the words as much as possible in France and Europe. Brexit had unfortunately bad consequences on the business relationship between UK and France/Europe. If I can help to make the magazine available to readers in France and Europe at a better cost, avoiding custom endless stories, that will be great! Anything else you want to add?

Keep it real guys! And hope to help Sideburn being more easily available here!

Photos: Manu Landwood

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