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Riders For Health, Lesotho

British Sideburn reader, Simon Devine sent this email from Lesotho, in south Africa...

Thought I would send you a couple of pics of my time here in Lesotho, the mountain kingdom in southern Africa.

I am working with Riders for Health, an awesome [not for profit organisation] who work in seven countries across Africa to provide healthcare in the most rural of locations, usually only accessible by motorcycle.

The pictures attached are of my time out riding with the guys who courier blood samples from the rural clinics to the laboratories for testing. The tests are typically for HIV, TB and measles, along with any infectious outbreaks which may occur here. I am designing them a phone app to collect, track, and send this information quickly as it is currently collected by paper with a slow process of data entry at the office. The terrain is harsh with boulders, sand, ravines, high altitude of over 2000m predominantly and rising to over 3000m… tough riding.

I previously did the same for Riders for Health in Liberia when Ebola was at it’s most prevalent...the riding there was more of a big muddy motocross track which zigzagged the country… awesome!

Hope you like the pictures as I showed them a copy of the magazine (#30) as it arrived just before I flew out. Here for another week and a half, so you may get more pictures as time go on. I’m heading to Malawi in October for more of the same so will introduce them to the bright lights and dazzling world of Sideburn too no doubt.

Keep up the great work with the mag and merch :)


I replied to Simon (above), saying thanks for the email, but the photos didn't come through. He replied with this...

Hi Gary, Sending the photos through dropbox to see if that helps. Internet signal here is a bit dodgy and worse today as the country is on a lock down as there was an attempted coup yesterday here. The pro-government army commander was assassinated and then the coup army leaders killed too... crazy times here! Anyway hope you like the pictures. Simon.

Just another day in the office... Click the red link in Simon's email to find more out about Riders for Health or to donate to their linked charity, Two Wheels For Life.

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